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Sikadur®-42 HES IN

3-part high performance pourable epoxy grout

Sikadur®-42 HES IN is a 3-part, high-performance, high precision, pourable, and solvent-free moisture-tolerant epoxy grout which develops high early strength. It is suitable for many static or dynamic precision grouting applications. It has a layer thickness of 25 mm to 75 mm and an application temperature range of +10 °C to +35 °C.


The Product is used for high-strength grouting and fixing of the following elements:

The Product is used for precision under-grouting and bedding of the following elements:

The Product is used for sleeper-less, direct rail fixing:

The Product is used for interior and exterior applications.


Part A+B+C pre-batched26.5 kg
Part A4.5 kg container
Part B1.0 kg container
Part C21 kg bag



Concrete grey flowable paste

Product Details

Chemical base

Epoxy resin, selected fillers and aggregates


Shelf life

12 months from date of production


Storage conditions

The Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +10 °C and +35 °C. Protect from direct sunlight.



~2.0 kg/L (Part A+B+C mixed, +30 °C)

Resistance to impact

12 J/m (Izod impact test)

(ASTM D256)


Effective Bearing Area

> 85 %

(ASTM C1339)


Compressive strength

Curing time, +30 °C

Compressive strength

1 day

~85 N/mm2

3 days

~90 N/mm2

7 days~95 N/mm2
28 days~105 N/mm2


Modulus of elasticity in compression

~14 000 N/mm(+30 °C)

(ASTM C579)


Flexural strength

~25 N/mm2 (7 days, +30 °C)

(ASTM C580)


Modulus of elasticity in flexure

~14 000 N/mm(+30 °C)

(ASTM C580)


Tensile strength

~20 N/mm2 (7 days, +30 °C)

(ASTM D638)


Tensile adhesion strength

≥ 10 N/mm2 (slant shear, 14 days, concrete failure)

(ASTM C882)


Heat deflection temperature

+54 °C (7 days, +30 °C)

(ASTM D648)



Very low


Coefficient of thermal expansion

1.9 × 10-5/K

(ASTM D696)


Water absorption

~0.05 %

(ASTM D570)


Mixing ratio

Part A : Part B : Part C = 4.5 : 1 : 21 (by weight)


Layer thickness


25 mm


75 mm per pour


Product temperature


+20 °C


+30 °C


Ambient air temperature


+10 °C


+35 °C


Dew point

Beware of condensation. Substrate temperature during application must be at least +3 °C above dew point.

Substrate temperature


+10 °C


+35 °C



Pot life

~60 min (100 g mass, +30 °C)

(FIP 5.1)

Pot life begins when all parts have been mixed. It is shorter at high temperatures and longer at low temperatures. The greater the quantity mixed, the shorter the pot life. To obtain longer workability at high temperatures, the mixed adhesive may be divided into smaller quantities. Alternatively, if the application temperature is above +20 °C, chill parts A+B before mixing.


~2.0 kg/m2 per mm thickness



Concrete must be at least 28 days old.

Substrates must be sound, clean, dry or matt damp but free of standing water. Substrates must be free of contaminants such as ice, dirt, oil, grease, coatings, laitance, efflorescence, surface treatments and loose friable material.



Surfaces must be sound, clean, dry and free of contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings and loose friable material.




Reduced adhesion due to surface contamination

Surface contaminants such as dust and loose material, including the contaminants generated during substrate preparation, can reduce the Product’s performance.

Before applying the Product, clean thoroughly all substrate surfaces using vacuum or dust removal equipment.



Suitable techniques for substrate preparation include the following:

  • Abrasive blast cleaning
  • High-pressure water blasting
  • Needle gunning
  • Scabbling
  • Bush hammering
  • Grinding
  • Prepare the substrate mechanically using a suitable technique.
  • Clean any pockets or holes for structural fixings to remove any debris.

The substrate has an open-textured, gripping surface profile.



Suitable techniques for substrate preparation include the following:

  • Abrasive blast cleaning
  • High-pressure water-blasting
  • Grinding
  1. Prepare the substrate mechanically using a suitable technique.

The substrate has a bright metal finish with a surface profile to satisfy the necessary tensile adhesion strength requirement.




Where formwork is to be used, all formwork must be of adequate strength, treated with release agent and sealed to prevent leakage.

  1. Prepare the formwork to maintain a minimum 100 mm grout head to assist with placement.

Note: A grout box equipped with an inclined trough attached to the formwork will also improve the grout flow and reduce air voids.




Poor workability and unfavourable handling time due to wrong mixing

When using multiple units during application, do not mix the following unit until the previous unit has been used.


  1. IMPORTANT Mix full units only. Prior to mixing all parts, mix Part A (resin) briefly using a mixing spindle attached to a slow speed electric mixer (max. 300 rpm).
  2. Add Part A to Part B (hardener) and mix Parts A+B continuously for at least 3 minutes until a uniformly coloured smooth consistency mix has been achieved.
  3. While mixing Parts A + B, gradually add Part C (aggregate).
  4. IMPORTANT Do not mix excessively. Mix until a uniform mix is achieved.



Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika® Colma Cleaner immediately after use. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.
