Chandigarh Trade Link

Sikafloor®-290 Primer

2-part epoxy resin primer

Solvent-free, two part primer based on epoxy resin.


As a primer and adhesion promoter on properly prepared:

As a primer for:


Pre-batched 28 kg units.
Part A: 8.00 kg container
Part B: 20.0 kg container



Part A – resin:        white liquid
Part B – hardener: yellowish liquid
Mixed colour:        light yellow

Product Details

Shelf Life

Part A, part B: 12 months from date of production
Part C: 9 months from date of production


Storage Conditions

The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C.



Part A:          ~ 1.10 kg/l (at +27°C)
Part B:          ~ 1.04kg/l  (at +27°C)
Mixed resin: ~ 1.05 kg/l (at +27°C)


Solid Content

~ 28% (by weight)

Tensile Adhesion Strength

> 1.5 N/mm2

(According to ISO 4624)


Mixing Ratio

Part A : Part B = 1 : 2.5 (by weight)


Ambient Air Temperature

+10°C min. / +35°C max.


Relative Air Humidity

85% r.h. max.


Dew Point

Beware of condensation!

The substrate and uncured floor must be at least 3ºC above dew point to reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the surface of the applied product.


Substrate Temperature

+10°C min. / +35°C max.


Substrate Moisture Content

≤ 4% moisture content.

Test method: Sika® Tramex moisture meter, CM measurement or Oven-dry method. No rising moisture according to ASTM (PE sheet test).


Pot Life

5.6 kg mass


Time (at 75% r.h.)


~ 45 minutes

The end of the product’s potlife is not noticeable! Keep within the limitations mentioned below. Discard material not used within these times.


Waiting Time / Overcoating

Before applying Sikafloor®-291 on Sikafloor®-290 Primer allow:

Substrate temperature

Waiting time (Minimum)

Waiting time (Maximum)


12 hours

72 hours


6 hours

48 hours

+30°C4 hours24 hours

Times are approximate at 75% r.h. and will be affected by changing ambient and substrate conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity.


Applied Product Ready for Use

Substrate temperature

Foot traffic


~ 12 hours


~ 6 hours

+30°C~ 4 hours

No specific additional curing measures are required.

All times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient and substrate


0.20 – 0.40 kg/m2/coat.

This figure is theoretical and does not include for any additional material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variation in level or wastage, etc.


Low speed electric stirrer (~ 300 – 400 rpm) with helical paddle or other suitable equipment.



Prior to mixing, shake part A and part B briefly until homogenous, then pour both parts into the mixing container and mix thoroughly for 3 minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved.

Pour the mixed material into another container carefully scraping the sides and mixing paddle with a spatula and then mix again briefly to ensure complete and thorough mixing.

Excessive mixing must also be avoided to minimise air entrainment.



Apply Sikafloor®-290 Primer by suitable brush, roller or trowel and overwork with a roller.



Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened / cured material can only be removed mechanically.
