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3-component epoxy self-smoothing underlay screed

Sikafloor®-291 is a three part, fine textured self smoothing underlay and levelling screed.


As a self-smoothing screed for:


Pre-batched 164 kg units.
Part A: 8.00 kg container
Part B: 20.0 kg container
Part C: 34.0 kg plastic lined bag x 4



Part A – resin: white liquid
Part B – hardener: yellowish liquid
Part C – filler: off white, powder
Mixed colour: light yellow
Finish: fine textured, matt

Product Details

Shelf Life

12 months for component A&B

09 months for component C from date of production


Storage Conditions

The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C.



Part A: ~ 1.05 kg/l (at +20°C)
Part B: ~ 1.03 kg/l (at +20°C)
Part C: ~ 1.72 kg/l (at +20ºC)

Parts A+B+C mixed: ~ 2.2 kg/l (at +20°C)

((EN 1015-6))

Abrasion Resistance

~ 0.7 mm thickness loss                                         

(According to IS 1237 – 1980 and IS 9162 – 1979)


Compressive Strength

~ 60 N/mm2 (28 days / +27°C)

(According to IS 9162-1979)


Tensile Strength in Flexure

~ 18 N/mm2 (28 days / +27°C)

(According to IS 9162-1979)


Tensile Adhesion Strength

> 1.5 N/mm² (failure in concrete)

(According to ISO 4624)


Chemical Resistance

The Sikafloor® -291 has improved chemical resistance over plain concrete in aggressive environments, but is not designed as a chemical protection. For specific chemical resistance, always overcoat with a suitable product of the Sikafloor® range. For occasional exposure or spillages, please consult.


Service Temperature

-30°C to +80°C for continuous exposure.



Mixing Ratio

Part A : Part B : Part C = 1 : 2.5 : 17 (by weight)


Layer Thickness

1.5 mm min. / 3.0 mm max.


Ambient Air Temperature

+8°C min. / +30°C max.


Relative Air Humidity

80% max.


Dew Point

Beware of condensation!
The substrate and uncured floor temperature must be at least 3°C above the dew point to reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the floor finish.


Substrate Temperature

+8°C min. / +30°C max.


Substrate Moisture Content

≤ 4% moisture content.
Test method: Sika® Tramex moisture meter, CM measurement or Oven-dry method. No rising moisture according to ASTM (PE sheet test).


Pot Life

20.5 kg mass

Temperature / r.h. 75%



~ 40 minutes


~ 20 minutes

+30°C~ 10 minutes


Waiting Time / Overcoating

Before applying Sikafloor®-291 on Sikafloor®-290 Primer allow:

Substrate temperature

Waiting time(Minimum)

Waiting time(Maximum)


12 hours

72 hours


6 hours

48 hours

+30°C4 hours24 hours

Sikafloor®-291 can be overcoated with vapour tight coatings when the surfacehumidity falls below 4%! Not earlier than:

Substrate temperature

Waiting time


2 days


1 day

+30°C1 day

Note: Successive coats of Sikafloor®-291 must be applied after priming with Sikafloor®-290 Primer and allowing at least the minimum times indicated above between applications.
Times are approximate at 75% r.h. and will be affected by changing ambient and substrate conditions, particularly temperature and relative humidity.


Applied Product Ready for Use



Foot traffic

Light traffic

Full cure


~ 24 hours

~ 3 days

~ 14 days


~ 15 hours

~ 2 days

~ 7 days

+30°C~ 7 hours~ 1 day~ 4 days

Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient and substrate conditions.

Coating System




Sikafloor®-290 Primer

0.2 – 0.3 kg/m2

Underlay / levelling screed
(1.5 mm to 3 mm)


2.2 kg/mm/m2

Topping (optional)Sikafloor® rangeSee PDS

These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional material due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level or wastage, etc.


Prior to mixing, shake part A and part B briefly until homogenous, then pour both parts into the mixing container and mix thoroughly for 3 minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved.

Gradually add part C while stirring with a power mixer. Mix thoroughly for 3 minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved.

Mix using a slow speed electric mixer (300 – 400 rpm) with helical paddle or other suitable equipment.

Recommended are single or counter rotating double mortar (basket type) and forced action (pan type) mixers. Free fall mixers must not be used.



Place mixed Sikafloor®-291 onto the primed substrate and spread evenly to the required thickness uniformly with a rubber or metal trowel or spatula and immediately roll with a spike roller to remove entrapped air and obtain an even thickness layer.

Do not use additional water, which would disturb the surface finish and cause discolouration.

A seamless finish can be achieved if a ‘wet’ edge is maintained during application.



Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.
Hardened / cured material can only be removed mechanically.



Due to the texture of its surface, Sikafloor®-291 is not suitable to be used as wearing layer where easy staining can occur. A seal coat of the Sikafloor® range with suitable cleaning capabilities is advisable.


Remove dirt using a brush and/or vacuum. Do not use wet cleaning methods until the product is fully cured.


Do not use abrasive methods or cleaners.
