Chandigarh Trade Link

SikaLatex® Super

Specialised SBR based multipurpose polymer for waterproofing, repair and bonding

SikaLatex® Super is a specialised modified styrene butadiene emulsion to be mixed with cement slurry, cement mortar, concrete or cementitious grout for improved adhesion and water resistance properties. It is fully soluble in water and is added directly to the gauging water of slurry, mortar, concrete or grout.


SikaLatex® Super is used as bonding agent, waterproof coating and site-mix mortar admixture for the following applications:


1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg, 50 kg container



Liquid / Milky white

Product Details

Chemical base

Styrene butadiene rubber emulsion


Shelf life

18 months from date of production


Storage conditions

The product must be stored properly in undamaged and unopened original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C. Protect from frost and direct sunlight.


Specific gravity




8 ± 1

Tensile adhesion strength

≥ 1.5 N/mm2 (concrete failure)

(EN 1542)


Ambient air temperature

+5 °C min. / +40 °C max.


Substrate temperature

+5 °C min. / +40 °C max.


Application time

~20 to 30 minutes at +30 °C when used as coating, mortar or bonding agent


Application areaMixing ratioConsumption of mixtureConsumption of
SikaLatex® Super
Waterproofing coatingSikaLatex® Super : Water : Cement = 1 : 1.5 : 5~600 g/m2 per coat~80 g/m2 per coat
Bonding coatSikaLatex® Super : Water : Cement = 1 : 1 : 4~300 g/m2 in single coat~50 g/m2
Repair mortarSikaLatex® Super : Water : Cement : Sand = 1 : 2 : 6 : 18~1800 kg/m3~70 g/m2 per mm thickness


The above stated consumption depends on substrate condition, porosity, level, application skills and mixing ratios. Mix consistency may change with the quality of sand and cement, hence gauging water may be adjusted slightly based on site conditions. SikaLatex® Super may also be used for applications such as injection grouting, masonry jointing, polymer concrete or screed, crack filling, etc. Please consult Sika Technical Services for consumption and mixing ratio information.


  • The substrate shall be sound, clean, homogeneous, free from oils and grease.



  • Dust, loose or friable particles, rust, scale, paint, cement laitance, old coatings and any other contaminants or deleterious materials which reduces bond or contributes to corrosion shall be removed by suitable means before application.
  • Smooth substrates must be mechanically roughened by scabbling, needle gun or grit blasting to provide an adequate key.
  • Cementitious substrates should be pre-saturated surface dry (SSD) with clean water at least 2 hours before any application.



  1. Mix SikaLatex® Super with the correct amount of water to produce a gauging solution.
  2. Pour part of the gauging solution into a suitable mixing container.
  3. While stirring slowly, add the cement or cement-sand mix to the gauging solution and mix thoroughly until a smooth, uniform and lump-free mix is achieved.
  4. Within the mixing time add additional gauging solution to adjust to the desired consistency. Mix either by hand or with a low speed drill for not more than 2 minutes.



  • When a concrete-mixer is used, pour the mortar as soon as its consistency is cohesive. Do not run the mixer too long.



Avoid application in direct sun and/or strong wind.


Protect freshly applied material from rain etc.


During application, the mixture of SikaLatex® Super and cement needs to be continuously stirred to prevent the cement particles from settling.


Waterproofing coating

  1. Thoroughly pre-wet the prepared substrate. Keep the surface wet and do not allow to dry.
  2. Before application remove excess water e.g. with a clean sponge. The surface shall appear a dark matt appearance without glistening and surface pores and pits shall not contain water.
  3. Prepare the waterproofing coating as indicated in the consumption table. Using a stiff clean brush spread the coating vigorously onto the substrate, forming a thin layer.
  4. After 2 to 6 hours, apply the second coat in crosswise direction to first coat. Standard coating system can be further reinforced by placing glass fabric layer Sika® Fabric-50 in between first and second coat.
  5. Protect with screed on top for longer life.



  • In areas of severe water penetration, three coats might be required.


Bonding coat



Never use pure SikaLatex® Super or SikaLatex® Super-water mix directly onto the substrate as bonding agent, always add cement and sand to the mix.


  1. Thoroughly pre-wet the prepared substrate. Keep the surface wet and do not allow to dry.
  2. Before application remove excess water e.g. with a clean sponge. The surface shall appear a dark matt appearance without glistening and surface pores and pits shall not contain water.
  3. Prepare the bonding coat as indicated in the consumption table. Using a stiff clean brush work the mix vigorously onto the substrate, forming a thin layer filling all unevenness, pits and pores.
  4. When the bond coat is still fresh and sticky, apply the mortar or concrete. Vibrate carefully to achieve satisfactory interpenetration of mortar and concrete.


Polymer mortar or Waterproof plaster

  1. Prepare the polymer mortar as indicated in the consumption table.
  2. Apply a thin layer of polymer mortar as given above.
  3. Apply the mortar onto the surface in a layer of max. 20 mm thickness. 
  4. Cured mortar or plaster with SikaLatex® Super would harden faster and would be watertight. For higher thickness, apply in multiple layers at intervals of 12 hours.



  • Avoid rapid evaporation of the water from mortars prepared with SikaLatex® Super. Cover the surface with a polyethylene film, use wet burlap, gunny bag or hessian cloth or water misting or apply Sika Antisol® curing compound.
  • Cure for minimum 3–5 days. DO NOT pond with water before 5 days of curing.
  • During adverse weather conditions (high temperatures, low relative humidity, wind, sun etc.) take particular care with curing treatment.


Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened or cured material can only be removed mechanically.
